We are very happy to announce that this year Schouten has raised up a foundation: Schouten Foundation. Schouten has passion to work for the well-being of people, especially vulnerable people around the world.

We feel that social growth is very important and has a positive impact on the communities we live in. As a business company we not only want to invest in our economic growth but we also want to invest for a better life for those who have less opportunities and are not socially recognized.
Read a brief overview of our mission and get an impression of the projects we are involved in and are supporting at this moment.
Schouten Foundation would like to share its wealth with others. This will be done through providing financial support to the projects that contribute in the physical and spiritual well-being of people.
Schouten Foundation invests in a better life for the less fortunate, close by and far away.
We are sponsoring different projects that contribute in poverty alleviation, skills enhancement, and well-being of needy children in different parts of the world.
Child Sponsor program via Compassion
We offer every employee of Schouten the opportunity to participate in our child sponsor program of Compassion. For every employee who participates, Schouten Foundation is bearing the cost of the school fee, books, uniforms and living cost of his or her sponsor child. Almost every employee has now a sponsor child. They are pleased to have a direct connection with their child who need their attention and moral support.
At present, we are sponsoring 31 children in South America, Asia and Africa.
Orphanage Ahmadabad India
Schouten Foundation support an orphanage in Ahmadabad India. The children who have no parents or have single parents (whom it is not possible to provide the basic needs of their children) are living in this orphan house.
The Brotherhood Charitable Trust in Ahmadabad takes full responsibility and takes care of these children. They offer them a safe environment to grow up healthy. The children get an opportunity to go to school, are getting healthy food and proper healthcare. On this way they will develop themselves to live with dignity, as recognized citizens of India.
Training centrum for tailoring
Schouten Foundation is supporting a Tailoring School in Channai, India. We have made a complete set up with sewing machines, tables, chairs and other necessities. At this moment there are about 25 women, learning tailoring skills. The purpose of this program is to equip these women with valuable skills and to make them able to earn their own income. This will help them to support financially their families and get a recognized social status in society.
In future, we are planning to offer more market demand oriented courses, to young boys and girls in the region.
Bible translations in Tanzania
In Tanzania, in the Mbeya region, Schouten Foundation is supporting a special project: the translation of the Bible into 4 different languages. The official language of Tanzania is “Swahili”. Most of the churches have a Bible in the Swahili language. For many people the national language is not understandable, because of the regional languages which are mostly used for communication in daily life. We do this work together with Wycliffe, a Dutch organization, specialized in bible translation and active in that region.
If you like to have more information about our foundation and the projects we are supporting, visit our website. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or mail.
As official registered foundation we have an official setup with a chairman, a treasurer, a secretary and general members. These people do their work on voluntary basis and are very motivated and committed to realize the goals of Schouten Foundation. From left to right on the photo: Member: Mr. Peter Schouten, treasurer: dhr. Niek-Jan Schouten, secretary: Mrs. Rhodé Meijers-Schouten, chairman: Mr. Henk Schouten, member: Mr. Pieter Vos. These people do their work on voluntary basis and are very motivated and committed to realize the goals of Schouten Foundation
Our contact person is director of Schouten and chairman of Schouten Foundation, Henk Schouten.