Homeplant-based productsVegan fish

Vegan fish

You have probably noticed that the demand for vegan fish is increasing enormously. As with meat substitutes, the possibilities for fish substitutes are endless: from fish fingers to salmon sashimi and from beer battered fish to canned tuna.

Find out in this article:

Vegan Fishless Burger

Vegan fish is the future

Why did it take so long for vegan fish to be introduced?

Optimisation for enduring success on the retail shelf

What the potential is of vegan vis

How we make customised vegan fish?

Vegan fish is the future

At Schouten, you will find all the latest trends in the field of vegan fish, including vegan fish burgers, vegan fish fingers, and vegan canned tuna. Find out what makes our vegan fish so special and how we can customise it for you. Or view our assortment of vegan fish products.

‘This fish burger is really tasty! It’s been a long time since I ate fish, but this tastes exactly the way I remember it.’

Remco van Veluwen – Journalist at the Dutch newspaper Trouw

Why did it take so long for vegan fish to be introduced?

In the Netherlands, the consumption of fish is lower than that of meat: 16 grams of fish per day* and 98 grams of meat per day.** So 6 times as much meat is eaten.
The RIVM study ‘What the Netherlands eats’ indicates that by ‘no meat’ people mean no chicken, beef, or pork. Pescatarians (those who do not eat mammals or birds but who do eat fish) are often considered vegetarians in research studies.
The diagram*** illustrates, for example, that 1.7% of vegetarians indicate that they never eat meat or fish, and 2.6% indicate that they never eat meat but do eat fish.
But now that meat substitutes are fully established and continue to grow in popularity, there is also room for vegan fish.

Vegan vis

What is the potential of vegan fish?

Vegan fish is one of the most promising categories of plant-based foods. This is stated by ProVeg International based on the Smart Protein Report 2021, which is supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the EU. Research firm AC Nielsen found the strongest growth in the German market: between 2018 and 2020, the plant-based fish category grew by 623% to €1.9 million*.

‘We monitor worldwide developments in the field of plant-based proteins. We are always looking for new and interesting ingredients and are happy to share our insights with you – just as we are currently doing with these developments in vegan fish’

Arjaan van der Giessen – commercial director
tailor made vegan fish

Your customised vegan fish?

At Schouten, innovation is our highest priority. And it shows! With three specialized R&D teams, we can respond to every request and adapt to every trend. Whether you are a sourcing manager looking for a distributor for your latest innovation or a product developer looking for vegan fish ingredients for a new meal, Schouten has the resources and expertise to meet your needs.

Get to know our custom plant-based ingredients

Questions about our vegan fish products?

Are you curious about our wide options in custom ingredients? Would you like to meet our team? Or maybe you have a question about vegan fish or one of our other vegan products? Contact us about your needs. We are happy to exchange ideas with you about innovative plant-based ingredients.

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  • “Schouten Europe is proactief in productverbetering en gefocust op productkwaliteit en efficiëntie. Dit is een voorbeeldleverancier m.b.t. de lange termijnrelatie.”

    Martijn Jacobs, senior strategic sourcing manager bij IPC EMEA
  • “Schouten produceert al enkele jaren diverse producten voor ons. Onlangs zijn er hier een aantal producten aan toegevoegd. Leveringen van bestellingen gaan altijd volgens afspraak.”

    Internationale Foodservice Partij
  • Nico Wormgoor - JUMBO

    “Bij Schouten geldt: afspraak is afspraak. Deze professionals staan voor de volle 100% achter hun product. Ze hebben hart voor mens, dier en milieu.”

    Nico Wormgoor, Senior Lead Category Manager Vlees, kip, vis en vega bij jumbo Supermarkten
  • “We kopen al langere tijd producten van Schouten, maar de introductie van de vegetarische roerbakreepjes in tomatensaus is een mooi voorbeeld geweest van deze succesvolle samenwerking.”

    Ruud Zoon, Commercial Manager bij Larco Foods
  • “Hun kennis over de markt, het zeer brede aanbod aan plant-based producten en de goede communicatielijnen maakt Schouten een fijne partij om mee samen te werken.”

    A-merk maaltijdproducent
  • Nico Wormgoor - JUMBO

    “Al jaren levert Schouten onze vegetarische producten in private label vorm.”

    Nico Wormgoor, Senior Lead Category Manager Vlees, kip, vis en vega bij jumbo Supermarkten
  • “Schouten prikkelt onze ontwikkelaars met nieuwe ideeën.”

    Marfo Food Group
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    Henrieke Ouwerkerk
    Senior Product Developer
    Ruben Molenaar - Product developer
    Ruben Molenaar
    Senior Product Developer
    Wouter Schouten – Strategic Buyer
    Wouter Schouten
    Co Manufacturing Manager


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